We have continued to make matches - friendship, practical and crisis - throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Now that NQCA staff members are fully vaccinated and the weather has improved, we are starting to meet with protégés and advocates in person (outside and wearing masks).

We are still working from home and collaborating via Zoom, Facebook Messenger and phone. If you need to contact us, please email us at: nqcitizenadvocacy@gmail.com or call 978-544-7794.
We have continued to fundraise through our Virtual Walkathons, a Drive-Thru Lasagna Dinner, a Drive-Thru Soup Meal and our Annual Donor Campaign. Our second Drive-Thru Lasagna Dinner is planned for Friday, August 27th. The unrestricted money raised through these events is vital to continue our mission.
We look forward to the year ahead!